The Final SOTU

By: hereinva
Published On: 1/28/2008 11:31:52 AM

From the State of the Union Speech 2001:

"I hope America is noticing the difference, because we're making progress.
Together, we are changing the tone in the Nation's Capital. And this spirit of respect and cooperation is vital, because, in the end,we will be judged not only by what we say or how we say it, we will be judged by what we're able to accomplish....

"America today is a nation with great challenges, but greater resources. An artist using statistics as a brush could paint two very different pictures of our country. One would have warning signs: increasing layoffs, rising energy prices, too many failing schools, persistent poverty, the stubborn vestiges of racism.

"Another picture would be full of blessings: a balanced budget, big surpluses, a military that is second to none, a country at peace with its neighbors, technology that is revolutionizing the world, and our greatest strength -- concerned citizens who care for our country and care for each other."..

"As government promotes compassion, it also must promote justice. Too many of our citizens have cause to doubt our nation's justice,
when the law points a finger of suspicion at groups, instead of individuals. All our citizens are created equal, and must be treated equally.

Earlier today, I asked John Ashcroft, the Attorney General, to develop specific recommendations to end racial profiling.It's wrong and we will end it in America. In so doing, we will not hinder the work of our nation's brave police officers. They protect us every day -- often at great risk. But by stopping the abuses of a few, we will add to the public confidence our police officers earn and deserve...

"As we meet tonight, many citizens are struggling with the high cost of energy. We have a serious energy problem that demands a national energy policy. The West is confronting a major energy shortage that has resulted in high prices and uncertainty. I've asked federal agencies to work with California officials to help speed construction of new energy sources, and I have direct Vice President Cheney, Commerce Secretary Evans, Energy Secretary Abraham and other senior members in my administration to develop a national energy policy.

Our energy demand outstrips our supply. We can produce more energy at home while protecting our environment, and we must. We can produce more electricity to meet demand, and we must. We can promote alternative energy sources and conservation, and we must. America must become more energy-independent, and we will."

Full transcript here

A picture paints a thousand words, but a few words paints a picture:
WSJ offers a word capture of each SOTU since 2001, here are the top word count from each year:

2004:CHILDREN;IRAQ (tied)
2005:IRAQ;TERROR (tied)
2008: ???

So to sum up it up: tax, terror, weapons, children, Iraq, Iraq, Terror, Economy,Iraq.

Bets for 2008 ? IRAN, TAX, ECONOMY
Come on November 2008.


SOTU (Adam Malle - 1/28/2008 8:10:12 PM)
Do you think he will hear it when everyone says "what a dumbass" after he says "the state of the union is strong"

how he says that with a straight face is amazing

Well, it's been probably the worst Presidency ever (Ron1 - 1/28/2008 8:18:21 PM)
but I hope that doesn't mean the country won't survive another year!

More seriously, I can't be bothered to care what he says anymore. Some hack writes him a bunch of crap he neither understands nor fully believes, he speechifies, and the gadflys do their deal. I don't care if he has some 4th grade idea of sending a manned mission to Mars.

He's an embarassing buffoon that's made a laughingstock of what America's soul stands for. I just want him to go away, forever.

I'll look for Governor Sebelius' response, just out of interest to what tack she takes in trying to talk to the country.

[I'm with you on being ready for November, now.]

Bush to sign executive order tomorrow (banning?) earmarks (relawson - 1/28/2008 10:20:39 PM)
About time.  But he could have done this years ago with the stroke of the pen.

Bush is killing the renewable energy industry, but pretends he is not (Dan - 1/28/2008 10:36:43 PM)
In 2007, 5 gigawatts of wind power added, new biomass, geothermal, and new solar including the 3rd largest solar plant in the world were installed in the USA.  New contracts for tidal/ocean power.  Why did these projects get built?  Because of the Investment Tax Credit and Production Tax Credit.  What did Bush do?  He refused to extend the credit past 2008.  Did he speak up for the credits?  No.  Was this credit's passage a choice between oil and renewables?  Yes.
Do fossil fuels get credits and not renewables?  Yes.
Bush has seriously damaged the renewable industry, and we will lose tens of thousands of U.S. jobs in the process.  We will fall behind on climate change. Do the American people know this?  No.  This is such blatant evil.