Kaine's ONE environmental initiative not so environmental.

By: joshtulkin
Published On: 1/16/2008 4:46:22 PM

It's the 2008 legislative session in Virginia. Do you know where your Governor is?

When it comes to global warming, he's nowhere to be found.  Speaking before the Senate Finance Committee, Preston Bryant (Va Secretary of Natural Resources) confirmed what we've all been noticing - environment isn't high on the Governor's list this legislative session. Thus far, the Governor has not made public statements or lent his support to any climate/energy initiatives.

Mr. Bryant did mention that the Governor has ONE environmental initiative this session. Perhaps he's referring to the Governor's attempt to dismantle our citizen pollution boards which give us a voice in permitting of polluting industries.   Legislators report that they've been hit up all week by administration staff.

So, instead of supporting great initiatives like the Clean Energy Future Act, Governor Kaine is trying to take away our voice with the Department of Environmental Quality. Earlier today, Governor Kaine took questions on a Washington Post Live Forum to discuss important issues in Virginia for 2008. Climate and energy weren't mentioned once.

There should be an outcry at the Governor's inaction - letters to the editor, calls, emails. The Governor's # is (804) 786-2211. Let him know that climate should be a priority.
We've got an energy plan. We've got a Climate Commission. We've got a Democratic senate. Who could ask for anything more?  How about SUPPORT for some good climate legislation.

If the Governor doesn't have a plan, at least he should support the Clean Energy Future Act. Or in the least, don't take away the Citizen Boards. No pollution without representation.


So weird (TheGreenMiles - 1/16/2008 5:11:16 PM)
Why is Kaine so afraid of showing strength on climate action? If there's anything voters don't like, no matter what their political persuasion, it's half-measures and a lack of leadership. He asked for a friendlier General Assembly, and liberals helped give it to him. What do we get for our efforts? Closing the gun show loophole and expanded pre-K? If anything, rabid GOP opposition to those issues shows they're going to rabidly oppose Kaine no matter what he proposes. So why not go all the way?