Feel the Unity

By: Chris Guy
Published On: 1/15/2008 11:36:53 PM

Bloomberg would finish a distant third in New York City against any combination of Democratic or Republican presidential candidates. I'm sure the geniuses at Unity 08 don't for a second regret shutting down and reinventing themselves into a 'Draft Bloomberg' outfit. After all, 564 people can't be wrong. h/t AMERICAblog

Question, would this even be conceivable if Bloomberg weren't a billionaire? At least Democrats and Republicans (OK, Democrats) in their evil two-party sytem have to work their tails off for years going from town hall meetings to campaign events all over America while building a political resume and creating a large, diverse infrastructure to run for President. Bloomberg's plan is to basically pay people to gather signatures and flood the airwaves thereby creating a buzz and a grassroots movement that otherwise wouldn't exist.

As for that much-hyped gathering in Oklahoma by Bloomberg and other well-known politicians like Charles Robb and Chuck Hagel? It was attended by the likes of former Sen. Bob Graham (D-FL,) who said he's planning on supporting the Democratic candidate, and former Gov. Christine Todd Whitman (R-NJ), who plans on backing the eventual GOP nominee for President.


bloomberg (Veritas - 1/16/2008 9:44:49 AM)
Would this be conceivable? No, does that matter? Not really. Is he going to win? Nope. Can he by spending part of his vast fortune influence the presidential debate? Yes.

Bloomberg's plan is to basically pay people to gather signatures and flood the airwaves thereby creating a buzz and a grassroots movement that otherwise wouldn't exist

I mean every major candidate does this to a lesser extent, Bloomberg of course isnt going to have any grassroots movement the major two parties have had many generations to build grassroots support. The quality I like about a Bloomberg run is that it puts a major x factor in the race. We all know he doesn't have to bow to any lobbyist.  

just a thought (Adam Malle - 1/16/2008 10:02:19 AM)
Anyone think he might be positioning himself for VP on an Obama ticket?  

Yes. A real possibility. (Bernie Quigley - 1/16/2008 2:37:39 PM)
Obama brilliantly used the phrase "post partisan" in a way that got him front-page on the WaPost the morning the Oklahoma Conference opened. It is Arnold's phrase and Arnold and Bloomberg are best buds and share a similar sensibility. Likewise, Obama is the only Democratic candidate who has endorsed Sam Nunn's de-nuke policies which pushed Nunn to open this conference with Bloomberg and David Goren. Obama realizes - as the other Democratic candidates do not - that Bloomberg and Schwarzenegger will not be pushed aside when their terms are up and are certain to have a large hand on American destiny in the years ahead (and will bring other benefactors with them, possibly Ted Turner and Warren Buffett); possibly rebuilding a dead Republican party from scratch as a new centrist party (Susan Eisenhower, Sam Nunn, Christie Whitman) or a re-built Democratic Party featuring some of the same people.

Hey, he's got 819 signatures (Lowell - 1/16/2008 10:46:03 AM)
on his "Draft" petition.  No, that's not 819,000 or even 81,900, it's 819 signatures.  Quite the groundswell, eh?