CO-PATRONS OF SB446, The Clean Energy Future Act Senators Chap Petersen, Roscoe Reynolds, and Patsy Ticer and Delegates Adam Ebbin, David Englin, David Poisson, Joe Bouchard, David Toscano, Margaret Vanderhyde.
Let's keep this list growing. If your delegate or senator isn't there, Ask them to co-patron the Clean Energy Future Act. . If we are going to win this bill, we need to work hard, and work together. The committee vote could be any day, so write to them TODAY!
Now, this ain't bad for one day of grueling work walking the capitol (honestly, I had fun). But it would be a lot more fun if I had company.
So come on down and join the Chesapeake Climate Action Network and VCN for Clean Energy Lobby Day
CLEAN ENERGY LOBBY DAY is this Monday, January 21st. Yes, I know its MLK day - what better way to celebrate you day off them to join with other concerned citizens to try to save the climate. Register today..
BWT - This bill will go through the Commerce and Labor Committee in the Senate. None of them are currently co-sponsors. If you know them, show them some love.
Mark Herring, Don McEachin, Chuck Colgan, John Edwards, Yvonne Miller, Toddy Puller , Phil Puckett, Frank Wagner, John C. Watkins, Tommy Norment, William Wampler, Steve Newman, Walter Stosch, Ken Stolle.