Edwards Raises over $1,000,000 since Iowa Caucuses

By: relawson
Published On: 1/7/2008 9:45:28 PM

Well, the pundits said it was over for Edwards because he was out of money.  Edwards supporters have a message: Not So Fast!

We doubled down in our donations since Iowa.  Unlike Senator Clinton, former Senator Edwards doesn't rely on lobbyist money.  Instead, he relies on people like us.

If you want to support change and keep this race alive for the Democrats, please support the Edwards campaign and CONTRIBUTE to his candidacy.

If your reason to not support Edwards is the money, that isn't a valid reason.  He is still in this race and he still has money pouring in from individual contributers!  Please visit the campaign website and give Senator Edwards a chance to make his case: http://www.johnedwards.com/.

If you support change, it is obvious that this is a race between Obama and Edwards.  Support Edwards and keep change alive!


I gave today. (thegools - 1/8/2008 2:14:48 AM)
This guy is the best on the issues.  He doesn't speak in vague platitudes, but in plain english and with concrete stands (something people ussually long for in politicos).  He will fight for us, and also important, he will fight the GOP tide of attacks that is sure to come, HARD.  When Hit he will hit back.  He has good amounts of experience, 6 years of experience in goverment, and has been working hard for the last 4 years on the issues I care about.
   Obama, God bless him, has critical weaknesses.  He has little experience in government. (He's been running for President since his second year in office.) And, he is too nice, and doesn't seem to have the spirit to bunch back when attacked.
   I am entrhalled and happy at the prospect of electing our first non-white president, but I don't think that is a weakness as much as those things I mentioned above.  

  Edwards is a slam dunk on the issues and for winning big in Nov. He polls better than all others when up against the GOP candidates.  Obama, despite all the excitement, is not a sure thing.  I prefer a strong president with principles and the gumption to take the fight to the GOP attack dogs.  

Edwards and the Middle Class (Hugo Estrada - 1/8/2008 5:03:00 AM)
Why I support Edwards.

Fighting poverty is protecting and strengthening the middle class. It is a different way of expressing the same idea.

Edwards dares to say that the issue is poverty. And for a lot of Americans, it is. For a lot of the middle class, they are only a few paychecks away from bankruptcy and poverty.

Our major challenges for the future are economic. The U.S. doesn't have a sustainable wealth distribution. The middle class keeps bankrolling tax cuts for the richest, tax cuts for corporations that ship our jobs overseas, and an imperial war in Iraq.

At the same time, our middle class consumer market is one of our greatest economic assets. There is only so much that you can squeeze out of the middle class before they begin to descend into poverty.

I don't believe I exaggerate when I say that the U.S. is heading towards the same direction of Mexico: a obscenely rich minority with a vast majority of people living in poverty. The consumer market in Mexico is weak because most of their money is spent on necessities, so the overall economy is sluggish even though a few do very well.

Our economy relies heavily on our consumer market, which is the middle class. Squeeze them enough, and good bye to it. And looking to Mexico again, it is very hard to bring it back once you lose it. And we are already getting pretty close to this point.

Edwards clearly understand this.

"The engine of our economy is not Washington, D.C., or Wall Street. It is the tens of millions of men and women in offices, factories, and fields across America who go to work every day. When we stand up for them, our middle class grows and our economy grows." - John Edwards

We can read more about his take on economics here

I have also given a contribution to Edwards.

Not to mention (thegools - 1/8/2008 8:00:35 PM)
It is Edwards who has consistantly polled best of the other Democratic candidates against all of the GOP guys.

I find it interesting that so much support goes to Obama, while so many of those same supporters want the very qualities that Edwards shows best: his ideas, principles, fire-in-the-belly and winnability.