Romney the Candidate of "Change?"

By: Lowell
Published On: 1/5/2008 11:42:08 AM

Mitt Romney, obviously desperate after getting crushed in Iowa, now says that HE is the candidate of change. I presume he means changing his positions 180 degrees almost overnight on many issues in the past few years:

*Pro gay rights to anti gay rights
*Pro choice to anti choice
*Pro immigration to anti immigration
*Anti religious right to pro religious right
*Pro gun control to anti gun control
*Pro stem cell research to anti stem cell research
*His father supposedly marched with Martin Luther King to...well, not
*He used to be a hunter to...well, not
*For universal health care to..."personal responsibility" (whatever that means)

Yeah, that's the candidate of "change" all right -- so much change it makes me dizzy!


Romney Speech (Evan M - 1/5/2008 3:43:43 PM)
Watching some of Romney's town hall speaking in New Hampshire, he appears to have just taken Obama's standard rhetoric, whitened it, slapped some "won't raise taxes" and "kill all the terrorists" in there, and let it ride.

You'd think he were nothing more than a chameleon, taking on the colors of whatever is nearby.

Maybe he is.