What does Huckabee's win say about the electorate?

By: Dianne
Published On: 1/4/2008 8:40:07 AM

Lowell recently wrote a diary posing the question ... is Huckabee clueless or crazy. It was a very interesting read and Lowell included part of last Sunday's transcript from Huckabee's appearance on Meet the Press which was an amazing and jaw-dropping experience to watch.  

I've been thinking a lot about Huckabee's MTP appearance, his answers to Russert's interview and Lowell's question, the day after his victory in Iowa,and can only come up with a pretty scary conclusion. It's not so much that Huckabee is either clueless or crazy, which I think he's neither, but that those who are attracted to him (the caucus goers in last night's Huckabee victory) are so ill-informed, so religion-bound, and so lacking in critical thinking skills.

The stories have abounded  
