Let's Help the Mancinis
By: Chris Guy
Published On: 12/31/2007 5:51:31 PM
As you may or may not have heard by now, Price Jett Jr.'s asinine lawsuit against Patricia Mancini was thrown out a few days ago by a vote of 3-0. But thanks to Speaker Howell's deep pockets, the Mancini's were forced to hire their own legal representation so that the GOP couldn't literally BUY the Stafford School Board.
Even with the case now behind them and a fundraiser yesterday, attended by Sen. Deeds among others (pictured), Patricia and her husband Joe are still looking at some very expensive legal bills. Please, please, please, please help out in any way you can, and get the word out to as many people as you can.
Friends For Patricia Mancini
100 Hampton Drive
Falmouth, VA 22405-3128