I am concerned by this question in so many ways, starting by its xenophobic and racist undertones. However, what I want to discuss are two issues that I find troubling.
First, why should he poll us on denying American citizens access to affordable education? The question clearly states why this is wrong: it is asking us if we wish to deny in-state tuition to American citizens who presumably meet the in-state tuition requirements.
And considering that most college-age students are adults, the status of their parents should not be an issue at all.
What is next, denying adult citizens the right of vote if their parents are felons?
Second, what is the problem with Jim Scott's character? After reading through the survey a few times, I thought that maybe this isn't his idea, but it reflects a coming bill in the assembly, and he wants to hear from constituents.
But, does Jim Scott really need a poll to make up his mind on a self-evidently unfair issue like this?
Shouldn't its outright discriminatory and potentially unconstitutional nature be enough for him to decide that this is a bad idea? I mean, where is the moral leadership that politicians love to talk about?
You can see the question in its context below. Click on it to see a bigger image.
I guess he's kind of a liberal, but he's tired.
Primary time.