See the film "Sicko" by Michael Moore

By: john4_SamRasoul_2008
Published On: 12/19/2007 11:52:57 AM

To: Undisclosed Locations ; Congressional Candidate Sam Rasoul (D-VA6) < >, Congressman Goodlatte (R-VA6) , Speaker Pelosi, Senators Webb, Warner & Reid ; President Bush ; Friends Committee on National Legislation ; Richardson for President ; Obama for President; The Sojourners ; ; Senator Russ Feingold

Sent: 19 Dec 2007

Dear Gentlepersons:

The most perplexing and pervasive domestic problems of today are caused by our ruling class being in the grip of good old pleonexia; which is defined as unbridled greed.  We see this in affliction in operation in many sectors of both our government and business communities.  But 03 areas where we are in a crisis are in manufacturing, housing and medical care.

Currently Michael Moore offers a new film called "Sicko" < >, which shows both how we got to our present dysfunctional health care system and a way to fix it < >.  

Please see the film, and then do what you can to advance this legislation: H.R. 676 -- "The United States National Health Insurance Act."

Please remember that:

'Lacking a national health system, "the U.S. occupies last place among the major industrialized countries ... in child mortality, life expectancy, and visits to the doctor," although it probably leads the world in politicians who talk about "family values."'  ~ Paul Kennedy (See: < http://www.americanprogress.or... >)

If you hold an elected office, please let me know if you do, or do not, support the ideas advanced by H.R. 676?

With every good wish,

John R. Cole
Edinburg, VA
