I Agree With Jim Gilmore?

By: Lowell
Published On: 12/18/2007 6:06:09 AM

It's not often I agree with Jim Gilmore, so I thought this was worth blogging about.  From a recent fundraising appeal by Mr. "No Car Tax."

It is absolutely wrong for the state to be using the justice system to collect taxes. Today, I am writing to ask for your help in making abusive driver's fees history - once and for all.

A recent UVA study confirms what we all knew about the unfairness of these outrageous fees.

I hope you will help me take our message demanding the repeal of these fees to the Governor and the General Assembly.

Gilmore also urges "Call the Virginia General Assembly Today at 1- 800-889-0229" and tell them to repeal the abusive driver fees.  Hey, no disagreement here...not on this issue, anyway.  I think I disagree with Gilmore on every other issue, though, so no worries.  Go Mark Warner!!! :)


Are you F*ing kidding me!? (The Grey Havens - 12/18/2007 9:22:32 AM)
It took a poll for Gilmore to figure out how much everyone hates these stupid fees!  What an asstard!

Of course, two questions arise for mr. no car tax:

1.  Where DO you want to get the money to pay for services!?
2.  If you're not going to raise taxes or fees, what services don't you want government to provide?  What's part of government is "bloated" precisely?  We need more decaying roads?  Maybe we should leave our children ignorant or fire some cops or first responders.    How about we close some hospitals or just stop providing water.  There's a good idea.  You can just buy water at 7-11 anyway.

Yeah... (Eric - 12/18/2007 10:25:36 AM)
the part Gilmore left out was the part about how to fund the transportation bill.  He's right about the abuser fees but for the wrong reasons.  Is this becoming a theme for Republicans?  First Howell is against the Metro to Wiehle Developer and Land Owner Wealth Expansion Project and now Gilmore is against one of the most brain dead funding safety whatever programs.

you really need to educate yourself (bault - 12/18/2007 11:35:29 PM)
You need to educate yourself regarding the economics of the civil remedial fees.  

Similar laws in other states have failed to produce the intended amount of revenue, and a report came out from a committee of the VA General Assembly that said Virginia's law specifically is likely to fall short of the $65 million in intended revenue.

A 2 cent gas tax increase would raise much more than the "abuser fees" would even if the fees reach their intended levels.  In addition, the gas tax would get some of the out of state drivers passing through VA who use the roads at the expense of VA taxpayers.  

As far as the "bloated" government, West Virginia saved $77 million by spending $500,000 on efficiency experts, and they did it without cutting anything.   So, there is waste and redundancy in government, and eliminating it can raise money without cutting anything.  

In the same breath... (elevandoski - 12/18/2007 9:39:49 AM)
that Gilmore talks about how criminal the abusive driver fees are, he quickly turns around and says "send me money"!  

"Please let me know that you will join my effort to protect Virginia taxpayers. Take a moment right now to:

1) Call the Virginia General Assembly at 1-800-889-0229 to let our lawmakers know you demand an immediate repeal of these unconstitutional "fees", and;

2) Make a special year-end contribution to my Senate campaign to help us fight to eliminate unfair, unconstitutional taxes.

Both of these actions are critical to helping us get rid of unfair and abusive charges on Virginia taxpayers - forever."


Gilmore is being deceptive. (bault - 12/18/2007 11:29:45 PM)
one huge problem with this: Gilmore is running for the UNITED STATES Senate, not the Virginia Senate.

He will have no power over the abuser fees.  This is a state revenue issue, and he will be representing the state at the federal level.  

While his opposition to the fees is appreciated, it's deceptive and dishonest that he's using them to raise money for his Senate campaign when he will have no power to revoke the fees if he is elected.