Bush Delegation Shamed Into Climate Change Compromise

By: Lowell
Published On: 12/15/2007 6:36:37 PM

It's truly pathetic that a delegation from the United States of America has to be dragged kicking and screaming on arguably the most pressing problem facing our planet today:

India sought to amend the document to strengthen requirements for richer nations to help poorer with technology to limit emissions and adapt to climate change's impacts.

The head of the U.S. delegation, Undersecretary of State Paula J. Dobriansky objected, setting off loud, long boos in the hall.

Next, delegate after delegate took aim at the United States, with South Africa saying Dobriansky's intervention was "most unwelcome and without any basis," and Uganda saying "We would like to beg them" to relent.

Then the delegate from Papua New Guinea leaned into his microphone.

"We seek your leadership," Kevin Conrad told the Americans. "But if for some reason you are not willing to lead, leave it to the rest of us. Please get out of the way."

The U.N. climate conference exploded with applause, the U.S. delegation backed down, and the way was cleared Saturday for adoption of the "Bali Roadmap."

George W. Bush, history will not treat you kindly.


Bush will issue signing statement (Teddy - 12/15/2007 8:23:28 PM)
exempting himself and his country from the protocol, no doubt. What a sorry SOB (Sweet Ol' Boy).

Bush Republicans are Cowards (The Grey Havens - 12/15/2007 8:53:12 PM)
Too greedy to see beyond their own piles of treasure and face the fact that they are responsible.  They made the happen, let it happen, and they need to fix it.


The US Senate voted to NOT Ratify the Kyoto Treaty. (charley - 12/16/2007 12:10:17 AM)
Funny that Kerry was running around in Bali.  Probably traveled by private jet to get there.  Real Ecoman, that one.
He was one of those in the Senate who voted against accepting the Kyoto protocol when it was first written in 1997.  Kerry was one of those 95 voting against accepting it.

The United States never adopted the Kyoto Protocol because the Clinton administration never submitted it for ratification to the Senate. The Clinton administration never submitted it to the Senate for ratification because in July 1997 the Senate voted 95-0 to adopt a resolution stating that ''the United States should not be a signatory to any protocol to, or other agreement regarding, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of 1992, at negotiations in Kyoto.'" Yet according to AP, the U.S. was a party to Kyoto until Bush unilaterally pulled us out.  See the the Byrd-Hagel Resolution (S. Res. 98).

However, the US has done a very much better job than the Euros in restricting emmissions.

That warm place in hell should be reserved for the AP writers who continually get it wrong.  And maybe a place at their side for those who they continually fool on the issue.