New Virginia Business Group to Fight Immigration Legislation

By: Lowell
Published On: 12/15/2007 7:52:11 AM

Well, isn't this a big surprise?

A broad coalition of Virginia business interests, including some of the most powerful trade groups in the state, has created an organization to oppose laws that would punish employers with undocumented workers on their payrolls.

Virginia Employers for Sensible Immigration Policy was formed in anticipation of another flurry of legislation in the General Assembly seeking to crack down on undocumented residents and employers that hire them, business leaders said. Individual trade groups and companies have spoken out before about specific anti-illegal immigration proposals, but the new group is the business community's most visible and organized effort to influence the immigration debate.

I'd love to see a list of companies in this coalition and find out which politicians they give money to. Something tells me there would be a large number of Republicans -- the same people that like to bash undocumented immigrants while taking large sums of money from the very companies that employ them (and that are in this new coalition).  Can we say "hypocrisy?"


The Response to This Post Sums It Up (dsvabeachdems - 12/15/2007 5:25:15 PM)
In the end, the real issue will not be immigration; rather assimilation. Alienation resulting from harsh rhetoric and abusive treatment may be the real poison and cause the most difficult wounds to heal.  

Well said. (Lowell - 12/15/2007 5:32:13 PM)