Once again, Sen. John Warner voted to block the bill. Why does he keep voting against this legislation to improve our fuel efficiency, increase our energy independence, and cut subsidies to Big Oil? Will he ever explain himself to Virginians, or will we get more "no comment" from his office? Please call Sen. Warner right now at (202) 224-2023 and let us know what his office tells you.
{UPDATE: See the Roanoke Times editorial on John Warner -- "Hot, then cold on global warming."}
It's astounding how little the Democrats can get done despite winning both the House and the Senate and having a lame duck President who is as popular as syphilis.
It's pathetic to hear Democratic Senators whining that they tried by holding the Senate open for one night. They even pulled out the cots. Whoopie-fucking-doo, a lot of people pull all-nighters. That ain't a big deal.
How about make them filibuster for three straight months? That would send a message.
It's Lucy and the football. Don't be Charlie Brown!
It is great states like TX, MN, ND, etc, can have plenty of wind turbines, for example; but where the wind isn't as reliable and more turbines or transmission has to accomodate those defiencies for the sake of an RPS, although clean, there is a big hurdle which will be faced, and that is the seizure and the devaluing of private property. Furthermore, there is an increased cost per kwh, as much as 3x higher, for low efficient renewables.
The nation's power grid is already a huge concern. Growing high demand, overdue upgrades, and the shutdown of aging infrastructure has already been posing a great deal of stress w/o the issue of climate.
Its not that I am for private property owners, or against renewables, Al Gore and Democrats. And, I am not related to Senator Inhofe. Some may reply (again) with comments addressed to me (here and at other blogs) as though I am some doubter or a denier on GW. To me that just reflects their prejudices.
Safe nuclear technology and up and coming new clean & energy efficient technologies, from my perspective, have to be incorporated w/i any sweeping energy & climate legislation. No such provisions appear in the current legislation, correct? And, such added measures would not only be more reliable to the grid compared to solely adding renewables, for example, it would also reduce C02 just as effectively. And if thorium is accepted by the DOE and allowed to be involved in nuclear, it maybe very safe to the public.
Renewables, and clean coal, and safe nuclear, and efficient delivery systems should be maximize wherever and whenever. And because some states can do more to reduce C02, while others may not, the inclusion of a broader energy approach including the above, appears to be more a reasonable option to states less gifted than others.
I then asked the woman staff person why Warner blocked the bill today. She asserted that Warner generally favors the energy bill. I responded along the line 'So he favors it, but votes to block it?' She tried the usual spiel on me by saying that the vote today was not actually a vote against the bill, but I politely told her that that is a technicality, and I don't buy it as an excuse. So I pressed her, and she said that he is concerned about the Renewable Portfolio Standard, thinking that that provision will hurt Virginia, and that he is concerned about a $41B tax increase in the bill. The RPS concern sounds to me like influence from Dominion Power (evidence suggests that Dominion owns the VA legislature, and maybe they own at least one of our Senators too).
I interrupted her and I told her I understand Senate rules and know what a filibuster is, and if Warner supported the bill, he would have allowed it to have an "up or down vote," so that the 59 Senators who supported it would pass it. So why did he oppose the bill?
She said he was against the "tax increases." I said the only tax increase was ending corporate welfare for big oil companies. I said that Exxon/Mobil made more profits last year than any other corporation in the world, and why do they need MY tax dollars?
I said, I don't get it. Is it because of donations? She said he's not running for re-election. I said, I know, so why is he taking Virginian taxpayer dollars and shoveling it to Big Oil Companies if he doesn't need their money for re-election?
She then passed me to the staffer in charge of energy issues. I left a message on his voicemail. I'll let you know about our conversation if and when he calls me back.
Great work Mark.
From his earliest days of achieving his life goals, his activities involved acts that were very morally questionnable, as I've said before, in some diary or comment. Look up his marriage and divorce, the details(!), and especially the settlement he received from a member of one of the wealthiest families in America. Then his next marriage. You'll get a good picture of the man.
His action on this legislation shows that he is not what he tries to get his public persona to represent. In a pinch he'll pander to Bush and screw the country. He'll go along with those who try to pass of that bunkum that the oil companies need those multi-billion dollar subsidies to get America rolling, while the cos. do nothing to increase their capacity, only continue to use their profits to buy up more coal fields and natural gas deposits/companies. That's Warner!