Did Ken Cuccinelli Steal his Senate seat?

By: GreenArrow
Published On: 12/5/2007 2:58:21 PM

Is it just Me?

Am I just being a paranoid?  I think that Cuccinelli may have cheated to get re-elected?

Am I on an Island thinking like this?


"Cheated" in what way? (Lowell - 12/5/2007 3:10:46 PM)
I haven't heard anyone say that. Do you have any hard evidence to back up that charge?

What would have happened? (Rebecca - 12/5/2007 10:33:05 PM)
Not sure how this could have been done. We have several safeguards in place in Virginia. I think the district just didn't get the vote out the way it should have, or perhaps the Democrat didn't kick butt enough. Personally, I thought her telephone town halls were a little on the whimpy side.