On November 5, I wrote a blog post on Donkey With A Trunk concerning how the locks in my dorm at Virginia Tech were not working, and that I have had a stalker get in the building due to this.
The university contacted me, saying that the locks would be fixed November 13. No ifs involved, just that the job would be most definitely done by that date.
It is now the 28th of November, and ZERO of the five locks are operational. I have been living in a state of anxiety due to this.
Virginia Tech claims it is making security a top priority. I don't see how it can back these claims up when they are clearly not getting the most basic of things done--figuring out how to lock a door.
Keep pestering them. Sometimes, it takes constant reminders to dislodge the inertia that administration can develop to move things forward.
Clearly, this is something that somebody up there needs to get on top of.
Ut Prosim