JAMES S. GILMORE III, one of the most confrontational and irresponsible governors in recent Virginia history, is running for the U.S. Senate. Given his record in office and the bad blood he conjured on both sides of the aisle, it is astonishing that he is the presumptive Republican nominee.Or maybe not so astonishing. Virginia's Republican Party has been riven for years by an internal feud pitting inflexible conservatives like Mr. Gilmore against pragmatic centrists who understand that government -- as in Virginia since he left office -- can be a constructive force. At the moment, the internecine fight is being won by the hard-liners, which goes a long way toward explaining why the GOP has been shellacked in successive state elections. It is a sad commentary on the party's health that Mr. Gilmore is running for the seat being vacated by the retirement of Sen. John W. Warner (R), whose statesmanship, courtesy and decency now seem a quaint relic of another age when set against the Gilmore wing's scorched-earth style.
No disagreement here that the Virginia Republican Party has been taken over by a "scorched-earth" wing of "hard liners" and "inflexible conservatives." That's why we love 'em so much...er, not.
And no, given the sorry state of the RPV, it is NOT "astonishing" that they'd go with an out-of-touch ideologue like Mr. "No Car Tax." For the "inflexible" right wing of the RPV, taxes aren't a necessary part of government, they're downright Voldemort-level evil. Or, they would be like Voldemort except they probably think Harry Potter is Satanic or something so they don't read it. Ha. Or maybe they believe Voldemort's an illegal immigrant, or gay (wait, that's Dumbledore, right?), or pro-environment or something else hideously heinous like that. Yeah, I'm kidding here, but it's no joke what Jim Gilmore did to this state when he was governor.
Come to think of it's, Gilmore's sort of like Virginia's own mini-version of George W. Bush, except Gilmore's a political loser (how'd that presidential bid go?). Mark Warner - the man who pulled Virginian out of the fiscal ditch into which Gilmore drove it - is going to annhilate him for U.S. Senate. And that's even before the campaign begins and Gilmore starts opening his mouth. I hope Mark Warner has a video "tracker" ready to roll! :)
Some have said that the Republican Party is a shell of its former illustrious self. That may be true at the Federal level, but the party in Virginia has never been a beacon of egalitarianism and liberty. It is just a flag draped group of self-serving demagogues who worship at the alter of power.
They deserve Gilmore as their candidate. He represents them well.
Democrats take heed.
I'm just waiting to cancel, but as stated in the past, my young kids like reading the comics and I have fond memories of such reading when I was young.
Prediction: Gilmore and Saxman are such pathetic possibilities that the monied Republicans in Virginia will get someone to run by paying them off handsomely on the side.
Does Gilmore continue to run these Don Quixote campaigns to line his personal pockets with left over campaign funds?
What does he do for a living other than run for unrealistic political offices?
There are no too better examples of the evil that can be done by the right wing belief that all government is bad than Bushcheney and Gilmore.