Forgit's Fredericksburg-Area Office Open For Business

By: Chris Guy
Published On: 11/24/2007 11:59:16 PM

Missy Kimmelman, who among other things did some canvassing for Chap Petersen this year, is running the Forgit for Congress office in Stafford County. They're taking over the old Del Toro for Delegate office located at 30 Town and Country Drive, Fredericksburg.

If you'd like to help by making some phone calls or knocking on doors. They already have phones ready at the office, or you can call them at 520-906-2398 and recieve a list of numbers to call from your home. Canvassing will take place on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

They'll have a formal opening on the evening of Wednesday the 28th, and Phil Forgit will be there!


When will Missy be liveblogging? (Ben - 11/25/2007 1:47:51 PM)

Philip Forgit on tonight's Kudzu Vine (davefmc - 11/25/2007 3:26:49 PM)
Philip Forgit will be our special guest this Sunday at 7:00.  Also, Shelbinator will join us to discuss Joe Biden's efforts in the South.

Listen live or download later at http://www.blogtalkr...

Also, don't forget to listen to last week's show where Georgia U.S. Senate candidate Dale Cardwell was our special guest for an extended interview.