Bob Marshall Thinking of Running for US Senate?

By: James Martin
Published On: 11/22/2007 1:04:26 AM

Oh please let this be true- Heck, I would even want to go to a Republican convention between Jim Gilmore and Bob Marshall... Who is more extreme and unelectable- Jim "No Taxes" Gilmore or Bob "No Divorce" Marshall? I just can't decide... that said- I fully trust the Republican convention delegates to choose the least electable candidate! :)


Great! (spotter - 11/22/2007 6:47:19 AM)
Now if we can just get Kirwin to manage his campaign ....

PWC Without Bob (VaNative - 11/22/2007 8:30:32 AM)
You've made my day!  All is not lost for those of us who live in Bob's district.

That's Entertainment! (PM - 11/22/2007 8:59:43 AM)
I hope he runs, just for the entertainment value alone.  Gilmore is awful, but he's a bore too.

Oooooh, this could be good, say, if all the evangenitals spend lots of money on the doomed race instead of spending it on real contests.

Evangenitals? (dingojoe - 11/22/2007 4:00:46 PM)
are you talking about the band?


Will Marshall be a good little GOP... (Dennis Coyle - 11/23/2007 2:33:24 AM)
...and resign his delegate seat to run for the US Senate? It's SO common for Repugs to say candidates should resign one job to run for another, at least when they're talking about Democrats...