More evidence that we should wait Ahmadinejad out

By: Rob
Published On: 11/21/2007 10:35:27 PM

The man is losing support on all sides in Iran.  A hardline newspaper with ties to the country's religious leader has a scathing editorial out attacking Ahmadinejad, according to BBC.  And this means ...
It shows that the Iranian president is not only losing support among ordinary people because of economic hardship, he is also angering part of the establishment for using the nuclear issue to bolster his personal power.
In other words, it looks like it's only a matter of time before the person most responsible for the bluster about nuclear weapons will be gone.  Someone that has lost the support of the people and the religious elite is a dead man walking, so to speak.

Of course, if the neocons get their way, the U.S. could bomb Iran and shore up his popularity in a hurry.
