Of Ebenezer Scrooge and the Republican's Convention

By: Shawn
Published On: 11/12/2007 5:35:46 PM

As I read the coverage of the 1st CD Republican nominating convention for the upcoming special election on December 11th in the Daily Press, I could not but think of characters in Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.

Ebenezer Scrooge is listening on as two of his business associates talk about his passing,  'It's likely to be a very cheap funeral, for upon my life I don't know of anybody to go to it. Suppose we make up a party and volunteer?'

'I don't mind going if a lunch is provided, but I must be fed, if I make one.'

Click through and see if you don't agree with me ...  http://www.dailypress.com/news/dp-news_convention_1111nov11,0,5067244,full.story

(cross posted on VirginiaDem.org)
