The person Rudy Giuliani wanted to head the Department of Homeland Security

By: Rob
Published On: 11/10/2007 1:39:00 AM

That person is the recently indicted Bernard Kerik.  A man with so many scandals and legal troubles, TPM probably blew a fuse in their offices trying to compile this exhaustive list.  Man, how did Kerik have time to do all this stuff.

And Josh Marshall makes a great point elsewhere on TPM -- that there's no way that Rudy didn't know about all this.

Much of it Rudy must have known about. I don't buy that a top city official and close friend of the mayor gets sued (with the city as a codefendent) twice over an inappropriate workplace affair and the mayor never finds out about it. Don't believe it. And there are many other examples.

So, in the end, we've got this shining example of cronyism at its worst.  Rudy Giuliani wanted this mobbed-up miscreant with the discretion of a pit bull in heat to oversee America's homeland security.  With judgment and patronage like that, Rudy seems like the perfect heir to George W. Bush.


I have a dailykos diary that is related (teacherken - 11/10/2007 9:22:51 AM)
entitled Loyalty - to whom and to what - it matters

I suspect that it will not get all that much traffic, but you might find it worth the read


Candidate Rudy? (Gordie - 11/10/2007 9:23:07 AM)
I just can't pass up the oppertunity to say something.

Want to talk about Clinton's past?

Lets talk about Rudy's past.

His legal defense website is up (PM - 11/10/2007 11:04:56 AM)

Note the title reference to his "Distiguished" career.