Virgil Goode Donor Fined $1 Million

By: Lowell
Published On: 11/1/2007 5:57:03 AM

See TPM Muckraker, Waldo Jaquith, and Democratic Central for more.  Also, see here for the story of how, "in April of 2003, Virgil Goode became the very second federal candidate to benefit from Mr. Wade's largesse."  Virgil Goode: corrupt AND a bigot; what a combination!

P.S. Again, where's the corporate media on this scandal?  Do a Google search on Virgil Goode and Mitch Wade and you mainly find blogs doing all the digging here.  I think that says an awful lot, none of it good, about the corporate media.

P.P.S. It has been brought to my attention that the Roanoke Times has done 19 stories on Virgil Goode and Mitch Wade, including one that ran in today's paper.  Great work by an overall excellent newspaper!
