I read with amusement a recent political mailer that was sent out by Virginia House of Delegate member Watkins Abbitt. He is a 22yr member who left the Democrats in 2000, to become a Republican because he was threatened to get redistricted out, at the time. His latest campaign mailer accuses his current opponent of taking contributions from personal injury lawyers. "The kind who file frivolous lawsuits that hurt innocent people". He conveniently forgot to also add that he had sought contributions from the Virginia Trial Lawyer organization. However, it still amazes me that this kind of garbage is still being put out there. A guy like this probably won't support a "loser pays" bill, because he knows that the real frivolous lawsuits are those that are required by insurance companies, who fail to pay, even when their insured is at fault.Source: Joel Bieber's Blog
This is an indication of the outright lies Watkins Abbitt tells to get re-elected. How many more lies are there? We should really find out. We can't afford a serial liar like Watkins Abbitt in Richmond taking care of his fat cat donors while his district goes begging. Does he really need to smear Connie Brennan in order to win?
Abbitt's largest individual contributor before today's report?
His largest individual contributor is Robert Carter, a member of the Virginia Trial Lawyer's Association, for $5,000.
Let's not elect a serial liar and hypocrite to the House of Delegates.