VA House Dems and Mountaintop Removal

By: faithfull
Published On: 10/24/2007 8:59:16 AM

The Clean Water Protection Act (HR 2169) would reverse the Bush Administration's 2002 decision that the toxic "waste" created by mountaintop removal could be defined as "fill material," and recklessly dumped into our water ways. This practice has already destroyed over 1200 miles of American headwater streams, and eliminated access to safe, clean potable water for many communities. The CWPA (HR 2169) currently has 107 co-sponsors, and a lot of momentum. But we need more to get out of committee and onto the floor.

We have 2 of 3 House Democrats from VA onboard, and we need to know if Rick Boucher, who is traditionally pro-MTR, will stand up for his constituents and co-sponsor HR 2169, or if he will continue to support the utter destruction of southern West Virginia.

If you have a moment, please take a moment to call Mr. Boucher (202-225-3861), politely but forcefully asking that he co-sponsor the Clean Water Protection Act (HR 2169), and take a stand against the utter destruction of southwest Virginia.

A quick report on our VA House Dems and mountaintop removal below?

Bobby Scott (VA-03)

"Thanks for co-sponsoring the Clean Water Protection Act (HR 2169)!" or call and express your thanks at 202-225-8351

James P. Moran (VA-08)

"Thanks for co-sponsoring the Clean Water Protection Act (HR 2169)!" or call and express your thanks at 202-225-4376

Rick Boucher (VA-09)

"Please protect Virginia's valuabble water resources by co-sponsoring the Clean Water Protection Act (HR 2169)"


To learn more about MTR in Virginia (faithfull - 10/24/2007 9:04:10 AM)
Check out, or DevilsTower's ongoing "30 days for the mountains" series at DailyKos

If you are from Virginia, and somewhat concerned that 25% of Wise County is being absolutely destroyed by strip mining, you might consider joining Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards (SAMS)