White House Silences Another Scientist on Climate Change

By: TheGreenMiles
Published On: 10/24/2007 7:29:47 AM

Already accused of rewriting the science of climate change to fit its politics, the White House is at it again. This time the White House severely edited the Senate testimony of Dr. Julie Gerberding, director of the Centers for Disease Control:
[H]er prepared testimony was devoted almost entirely to the CDC's preparation, with few details on what effects climate change could have on the spread of disease. Only during questioning did she describe some specific diseases that likely would be affected, again without elaboration.

Her testimony before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee had much less information on health risks than a much longer draft version Gerberding submitted to the White House Office of Management and Budget for review in advance of her appearance. "It was eviscerated," said a CDC official, familiar with both versions, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the review process.

The conservative contradiction on climate change is just breathtaking. On the one hand, you have deniers saying it doesn't exist, and if it does exist it's not our fault, and if it is our fault it would be too expensive to do anything about it. On the other hand, the White House is absolutely terrified of the general public learning the scientific truth.


Welcome, Comrade Lysenko (Kindler - 10/24/2007 9:14:28 PM)
The tendency of today's Republicans to want to deny and suppress scientific truth scares me more than almost anything else about them.  It scares me because of the research and reading I've done on totalitarian regimes and their efforts to control people not simply in a superficial sense, but by attempting to rewrite the truth itself.

Such efforts are eventually doomed to failure one way or another, but they can cause unbelievable damage along the way.  The free flow of information -- through science, authentic journalism, and every form of free speech -- is not only the best way to keep us free, but also the best check to keep us from stumbling into colossal errors.

this is unacceptable (nate4sam08 - 10/25/2007 10:34:02 AM)
I agree with Kindler. The White House acting this way parallels the actions of "Big Bother" in the novel 1984. Citizens must call out and question these actions before its too late. Rewritng the truth is one the most horrifying techniques used totalitarian governments.