1. Transportation: Did nothing until this past spring, when they rammed through the abuser fees (aka, "taxes") and regional taxing authorities as a substitute for a comprehensive, sustainable, dedicated solution to Virginia's gridlock. That's right, after 7 years of Republican control, that's all we've gotten from the Republican General Assembly -- abuser fees, regional authorities, and worse gridlock than ever. Surprise, surprise.
2. Environment: Unlike states with Republican governors like Florida and California, the Republican-controlled Virginia General Assembly has done essentially nothing to protect the state's environment or to combat global warming. Instead, they rejected a "Green Buildings Act" and even a joint committee to STUDY (not take action, mind you) climate change. They also opposed Governor Kaine's land conservation efforts, which are crucial in and of themselves but particularly to protecting the Chesapeake Bay. Let's just put it this way, Republican "red" and environmental "green" don't go together.
3. Social issues: Republicans have spent a lot of time on far-out or just plain wacky causes, such as the infamous "droopy drawers" legislation, calling birth control "baby pesticides", making it a misdemeanor offense for women not to report fetal deaths to the police within 12 hours of delivery, pushing for those all-important traditional marriage license plates, making homosexuality illegal, even reducing the penalty for raping one's own child (from a felony to a mere misdemeanor). Unbelievable.
4. Illegal immigration: Republicans like to talk a lot about this one, but that's all they do -- talk. Since Republicans have been in control of the Virginia General Assembly, what have they actually DONE about illegal immigration? Not a heck of a lot. Of course, they've continued to take large sums of money from the very corporations that EMPLOY ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. They have not, of course, bitten the hand that feeds them by cracking down on those employers. Surprise, surprise. But the bottom line is that after nearly a decade of Republican control, illegal immigration is more of an issue than ever in Virginia. Now, Republicans argue that they would be better at dealing with this issue than Democrats. Do they really think we're that stupid?
Those are just a few examples of what the GOP-controlled General Assembly has failed to do the past 7 years. One could also add health care, education, and fiscal responsibility to the long list of miserable failure. Ironically, the Republicans' one big accomplishment was a major revenues package pushed by Governor Mark Warner and passed over the objections of far-right, flat-earth, anti-tax Republican ideologues in the House of Delegates. Those are the very people Republicans are urging us to elect on November 6. Great idea, huh?
When you vote on Nov 6, vote for the candidate and not for or against any party. Be an informed citizen and not a drone!
YEAS--Abbitt, Amundson, Armstrong, Athey, Barlow, Black, Carrico, Cline, Cole, Cosgrove, Councill, Cox, Dillard, Dudley, Fralin, Gear, Griffith, Hall, Hamilton, Hargrove, Hogan, Howell, A.T., Hugo, Hurt, Ingram, Janis, Johnson, Jones, S.C., Keister, Kilgore, Landes, Lingamfelter, Marshall, D.W., Marshall, R.G., McDonnell, McDougle, McQuigg, Miller, Moran, Morgan, Nutter, Parrish, Plum, Pollard, Purkey, Putney, Rapp, Reese, Reid, Scott, E.T., Shannon, Sherwood, Shuler, Suit, Tata, Wardrup, Ware, R.L., Weatherholtz, Welch, Mr. Speaker--60.
NAYS--Albo, Alexander, BaCote, Baskerville, Bell, Brink, Bryant, Byron, Callahan, Ebbin, Eisenberg, Frederick, Joannou, Lewis, Louderback, Marrs, May, Melvin, Miles, Nixon, O'Bannon, Oder, Orrock, Petersen, Phillips, Rust, Scott, J.M., Sickles, Spruill, Stump, Van Yahres, Ward, Ware, O., Watts--34.
NOT VOTING--Hull, Jones, D.C., Saxman, Van Landingham, Wright--5.