Waldo Skewers GOP Anti-Muslim Bigotry

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/22/2007 12:30:11 PM

As usual, Waldo Jaquith nails it, this time on GOP anti-Muslim bigotry (although it could apply to their over-the-top xenophobia, homophobia, and hell, probably agoraphobia as well!  Here's Waldo, from his article, "House Republicans: Muslims are teh evil!!!!11 Kaine caused 9/11! OMFG!!!one!!!"

The connection is simple: Kaine spoke to Muslims. Muslims are terrorists. Therefore, Kaine supports terrorism. It's as plain as day.

[Republican Delegates Todd] Gilbert and [Clay] Athey are attempting the same underpants gnome technique that attorney general Jerry Kilgore attempted in his campaign against Tim Kaine two years ago now. Kilgore accused Lt. Governor Kaine of being soft on gang crime and, by extension, soft on terrorism. Why? Because, he said, al-Qaeda is working with MS-13. Nevermind that there was no evidence at all of this - in fact, Kilgore's campaign admitted that there was no evidence. But spokesman Tucker Martin explained, delightfully, that "there could be a connection we are not aware of."

Gilbert and Athey are alleging some hilariously tenuous connections here. They have a photo of Del. Moran with an imam who heads up a megamosque that two September 11th hijackers attended a few times. Nevermind that the FBI and the presidential 9/11 Commission found that the mosque had nothing to do with September 11th, and nevermind that even if it did, that's got nothing to do with Moran having his picture taken with the guy. Because, after all, there could be a connection we are not aware of.

Not content with just going after Moran and Kaine, the pair are accusing the entire DPVA leadership of "joining forces with a radical element of the Muslim faith for the sole purpose of filling the ballot box." And it's not just these two delegates launching this attack. They've done so with the support of House Speaker Bill Howell, who's lent his staff to the cause. This is an effort of House Republicans, not two kooks.

Utterly bonkers.  What next, there's a connection between 9/11 and illegal immigration from Central America?  Uh oh...

P.S. By the way, if the types of comments these Republicans have made about Muslims were made about Christians or Jews, their careers would be over.  Just a thought.


How does the quote read? (Pain - 10/22/2007 1:31:15 PM)
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

Mohandas Gandhi

Redundant (David Campbell - 10/22/2007 1:53:39 PM)
This is an effort of "House Republicans," not "two kooks."  Those two terms are not mutually exclusive.

Slight caveat (Matusleo - 10/22/2007 5:05:31 PM)
There is an industry in the media and entertainment that makes its living bashing Christians.  Sadly, some Christians make it outrageously easy to bash them.

Ut Prosim

Where? Can you provide any evidence for that (Lowell - 10/22/2007 5:10:56 PM)
assertion?  I have never seen such a thing, except for the right-wing-noise-machine's seasonal claim that there's a "war on Christmas" or whatever.  Now, if you really want to see an industry that is focused on bashing a religion, check out the Muslim bashers...I get several emails every weak from people (Ann Coulter and her ilk) informing me that Muhammed was evil, that Muslims are all terrorists, etc.  I don't think I've ever received an anti-Christian e-mail in my life.

Examples (Matusleo - 10/23/2007 5:01:36 PM)
In politics, you are right, there's not much hey in Bashing Christians.  However, I referred to other industries in which there is money to be made.  Consider the success of Dan Brown who spins conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory about the Catholic Church.  And then there's Phillip Pullman whose Dark Materials Trilogy was blatantly hateful of Christianity, and in fact, made all of Christianity the villain (this work will be released as a movie shortly).  Few movies are made anymore which portray Christians or Christian themes in a positive light (excepting those made from books written many years past). 

In the realm of the arts, you have Crucifixes displayed in a jar of urine.  Imagine the reaction had it been a Koran immersed in urine.  Then there are groups such as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence who dress like nuns and engage in public acts of indecency, to ridicule the Christian faith (their motto is 'Go and Sin Some More').

I have more example I could cite.

Regarding the 'war on Christmas', there is something else taking place here.  That is a reaction by individuals who fear that their privileged place in society is being lost.  Let us be honest: fifty years ago, in all department stores, you would have seen 'Merry Christmas'.  That is not at all what I was referring to, nor shoudl you think that I would make any such claim.

My point was that we as a society do not blink when Christians are mocked in the arts or the media. 

Ut Prosim

the law (pvogel - 10/23/2007 4:38:00 PM)
The republican aholes who lie lie lie, just to rag someone down, Need to be in prison.

Ill be glad to sit on a jury that puts them there.