It's Time to Blast Back at Jeannemarie!

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/18/2007 6:22:43 PM

I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of seeing Jeannemarie Devolites Davis' lying, slimeball, attack ad against Chap Petersen on broadcast TV.  Hell, I don't even watch TV and I've seen this thing twice already.  The bottom line is that we need to blast back at JMDD, and we need to do it immediately.  Whatever money it takes, we cant allow her to dominate the airwaves. 

Simply stated, the Democrats MUST respond to her ad and they must do so right now.  This race is crucial, as we all know, and it's time to ratchet it up a notch or two.  Whoever can give money to get Chap on the air -- Governor Kaine, Dick Saslaw, Sen. Webb, the Senate Democratic Caucus, Gerry Connolly, wealthy Democrats with a few hundred thousand bucks to spare -- please DO IT NOW. 

Thank you.

P.S.  To contribute to Chap, please click here.


Its the Golden Rule, Lowell (HisRoc - 10/18/2007 6:50:46 PM)
Those who have the gold make the rules.  This is why we have the best politicians that money can buy.  Go ask Eric's buddy Gerry Connolly about how that works.

Well, there are plenty of Democrats with "gold" (Lowell - 10/18/2007 6:52:55 PM)
It's time to spend it.

Hummm...Looking At VPAP.Org I Can't Find Any Elected Fairfax Dems... (HisRoc - 10/18/2007 7:05:41 PM)
...supporting Chap!  Especially Boss Connolly.  What is wrong with this picture?

Hmmmmmmmmm..... (Lowell - 10/18/2007 7:37:46 PM) right.

It Means That We Won't Have Representative Democracy in Fairfax... (HisRoc - 10/18/2007 8:41:23 PM)
...until we vote out Gerry Connolly.  "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."  Vote for Gary Baise and destroy the Connolly Machine.  We can easily take care of the Republicans later.

Ick (Craig - 10/18/2007 10:14:03 PM)
Baise is just as crooked, and he a Republican.  No thanks.

Opportunity missed (Eric - 10/19/2007 9:53:48 AM)
The time to deal with Connolly (and any other unwanted incumbents) was six months ago during Primary season.

But not to worry, local primary season will kick into gear again next spring. 

Chap's most recent mailout (Teddy - 10/18/2007 7:04:22 PM)
just arrived at my door today. It is a very effect response to JMDD's cesspool--- this one sets the record straight on ETHICS with devastating thoroughness. Cap's mailer is a large postcard with no fancy graphics, simply plain text rather like a popularized style of lawyer's brief, and it works. What a contrast to his opponents' (I use the plural advisedly, since Chap has two opponents, the dynamic political cuo of Jeannemarie and Tom).

Only problem: it's not a television ad, so the lazy semi-literate who only watches television will not be reached. On the other hand, maybe the news anchor on television could make a story out of Chap's response to the nasty republican ads, drawing a contrast....?

In my experience (Pain - 10/18/2007 7:19:35 PM)
The lazy, semi-literate who only watch TV either won't vote, or if they do, they go in the pull the lever they have pulled since birth, the lever their parents pulled before them.  Those people aren't changing their vote regardless who is floated as their candidate.

all you need to know about republicans part 5 (pvogel - 10/18/2007 8:05:06 PM)
History lesson

Even as the bombs were falling on Berlin in 1945, Hitler had  over 10% support.
There will always be  folks who are just wrongheaded.

I call them republicans

Jeannemarie's TV Ads (Flipper - 10/18/2007 8:58:44 PM)
Lets face it, Jeannemarie's fund rasing advantage has been known since the beginning of the year so it is not surprising that she is spending it on television ads.  Chap just hasn't been able to compete on par with her.

My question is - when is Governor Kaine's PAC going to kick in with the money he raised to assist our candidates?  How about Gov., Warner's pac?  Time is a wasting here. 

They've already given (UVAHoo - 10/19/2007 12:14:51 PM)
Moving Virginia Forward gave Chap $50,000 on 9/15 and One Virginia gave him $30,000 on 9/7.  Kaine's PAC has donated over $1.2 million so far this cycle and Warner's PAC has give over $500,000.

Donation Question (Barbara - 10/18/2007 9:05:56 PM)
Which donation will help Chap Peterson's campaign the most quickly--this link or the previous diary?

You can't miss her commercials if you watch the 6:00 news, and if I hear it one more time I will scream. 

If you specifically want to help Chap (Lowell - 10/18/2007 9:09:03 PM)
I'd recommend giving directly to his campaign right away.  Thanks.

Thanks. (Barbara - 10/18/2007 9:10:49 PM)

OK-I did my part. (Barbara - 10/18/2007 9:55:50 PM)
Please, everyone else do what you can.  This isn't even my district, but I think it's the most significant race for the Senate and is the #1 race I want to see go blue.

Thank you! (desfido - 10/19/2007 9:47:25 AM)
As someone who lives in the 34th Senate district, I'm very grateful for support for Chap from outside the district. I'm optimistic that we will both get to see what we want: Chap elected to be my State Senator!