Is Sen. Mitch McConnell Gay?

By: Matt H
Published On: 10/12/2007 2:35:43 PM

Though the topic of who is and is not gay should NEVER be a concern of anyone's in a country that professes to place personal freedom above all else, I'm only reiterating what was posted on Alernet about Sen. McConnell's sexual orientation because the Senator is a supporter of all anti-gay legislation.

I really wish that someone would look into why he was discharged shortly after joining the military.  It also can't be a coincidence that he spoke out very loudly about the need for Larry Craig to resign.  In my opinion, the most virulently anti-gay people are always closet homosexuals (and they usually happen to be Republicans).



I've wondered... (pol - 10/16/2007 3:16:11 PM)