It's not often you see a candidate act this angry on camera. Usually, they try to be smooth and polished...but not Del. Jackson Miller (R-50). Why is Del. Miller so angry at Democratic challenger Jeannette Rishell? Any psychologists in the house?
P.S. Jeanette will be at the Prince William Bar Association candidates' forum tonight from 7 to 9 PM at the GMU campus in Manassas. Will Miller be there as well, and will he be this angry again? We'll see...
Jeanette said that although she did not approve of abortion personally, she thought it was each woman's individual decision to make, and that it was like war -- something we should all take very seriously, and something she would fight for as a right of all women.
When I heard that, I knew that wasn't going to go over well, and of course, Miller retorted with, "Did I just hear Jeanette declare war on unborn babies?" Greg Letiecq, et al were there, so Miller was sounding to his base. Rishell came back to say that she was not declaring war on unborn babies, but she felt strongly that the government should stay out of our bedrooms.
Rishell said that she wondered throughout the debate why Miller didn't slime her, he was being too nice. Then he just degraded her in the closing arguments. Since she gave her remarks first, she could not respond to Miller's slimey ones.
Another thing Miller did throughout the debate was to very condescendingly call our candidate "Jeanette," rather than "Ms. Rishell." Finally, Rishell began calling him "Jackson."
A very funny incident -- Keith Scarborough, the moderator, told a joke. He said that as newly-appointed Democratic member of the PWC electoral board, the board had decided to cut down on long voting lines this fall. Democrats would vote on Tuesday and Republicans would vote on Wednesday. The house was full of HSM/Miller supporters and a handful of Rishell fans. Only the Rishell fans clapped. The Republicans didn't get it.