Looks like Rush Limbaugh may be in some hot water here, when even the White House has distanced itself from his remarks.
Rush is an entertainer with a history of being smart enough to choose material appropriate for his audience. This time he chose very poorly. The faithful will likely buy his obfuscation. But from this point forward, he'd be well advised to untie that other half of his brain.
Let's remember that Rush Limbaugh avoided the Vietnam draft by resting on a pilodinal cyst on his um, coccyx.
Hey, English majors: was this symbolism, or foreshadowing?
This drug-addicted blowhard has no grounds to call anyone, particularly a member of the military, phony.
Now please go and repeat his words loudly and often.
Typical chickenhawk garbage. They're always the biggest flagwavers and have the most yellow magnets on their cars.
Rush chose the wrong crowd to mess with.
I'm very proud of these guys in VoteVets. They're organized and committed to a responsible withdrawal from Iraq.
There's talk that Horne might take a shot at Mitch McConnell's seat in 08. If so, he's gonna need the money, but if he can raise the money, I expect he has the best shot at removing our esteemed minority leader and sending him to K Street where he belongs.