DPVA, could we have a Newsletter like NC?

By: Dianne
Published On: 9/27/2007 2:55:56 PM

Received this e-mail newsletter from the Dems down south of us a week ago.  (The Chair, Jerry Meek, has sent three newsletters since this one came in!)  As you'll see from reading, the NC State Party wants to know what you think, what you think they could do better, and want to start a 2-way conversation between themselves and the voters. Now isn't that something.  Couldn't we have one?

Update Your Profile?
From: Jerimee Richir, NC Democrats (headquarters@ncdp.org)
The North Carolina Democratic Party is committed to bringing you timely, useful information that keeps our community strong and unified. We are in the process of upgrading our technology to improve our email newsletter.

We hope to make our emails a two-way street and have a conversation with North Carolina voters. Tell us what we can improve and what you'd like us to continue doing well.

Tell us what's new in your life: Update your profile.

And, as always, feel free to unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails.

Thanks for your patience,

Jerimee Richir
Online Communications Director
