TPM on Tim Hugo and his dishonest ad

By: Rob
Published On: 9/23/2007 12:31:10 PM

First the Post, and now the nationally read TalkingPointsMemo on Hugo's dishonest ad:
This is obviously absurd. The TV ad claims to alert the public to what "others are saying" about Simmons, and quotes criticism of the Democrat's campaign from Raising Kaine, before concluding, "We just can't trust Rex Simmons."

Actually, we just can't trust campaign commercials that rely on pseudonymous criticism from a blog's comment section. In this case, there's obviously nothing to stop the Hugo campaign from going to Raising Kane, leaving derogatory comments about Simmons, and then using their own planted denigrations in their own campaign commercials.

Nutpicking was irritating enough when it was confined to conservative blogs. Taking it onto the air is not a positive development.

On top of that, the Raising Kaine diary in question made allegations about Simmons' primary campaign.  So the ad from Tim Hugo -- which pretends these comments are some how relevant to the general campaign issues -- is even more misleading than meets the eye.

More and more people are starting to talk about Tim Hugo and his unethical ad.  What is it with Virginia Republicans and their embarrassing ads and attacks that seem to backfire on them?


Well since Tim Hugo likes to steal quotes from Raising Kaine... (doctormatt06 - 9/23/2007 2:09:40 PM)
I'd just like to...allegedly...say that Tim Hugo...allegedly...likes to traffic web sites...allegedly...that involve people buying used underwear...allegedly...of 70 year old porn stars...allegedly...


allegedly (HeathPulaski - 9/25/2007 3:56:40 PM)
allegedly you sank to a new low.