DPVA TRAINING ONLINE...Thanks Shawn for the Heads Up

By: Dianne
Published On: 9/22/2007 8:25:47 AM

Thanks once again to Shawn for telling us what is going on at the DPVA.  Hope you're on the payroll Shawn!  Shawn posted this comment on another diary and I thought it worthy of a separate diary.  For those of you who want to help out before the election but who the DPVA has not contacted (I didn't know about this), Shawn's provided this information: 

(Hint to the DPVA:  there are more Democrats in Virginia than just those that belong to the local committees...probably thousands...)

This Just In from the DPVA (0.00 / 0)
Hi Shawn -
I am pleased to announce that I will be holding TWO webinars next Wednesday, September 26th - an Afternoon Session and an Evening Session! These sessions will both be interactive, with logins available for everyone on the new Votebuilder Training Site!  It is very important that every attendee wishing to participate in the interactive portion sign up at the links below.

Practical VAN for Practical People
September 26th
2:00 PM - Register at https://www.gotomeet....
8:00 PM  - Register at https://www.gotomeet....

As we approach election day, it's important that we make the most of the tools available.  I strongly encourage you to signup for one of these sessions.

Go Fight Win!

-Mike Sager
Deputy Technology Director
Democratic Party of Virginia

Can someone give the DPVA a hand and put a Communications Plan (here's a high-level example and here) together for them (or help them implement the one they have but don't have the time or resources to get off the ground yet)?  They obviously are doing GOOD things there...but don't seem to be getting the information out for some reason.  Good communication will enable them to more effectively use their resources!  Just think how much more effective their work could be if they just let us know so we could pitch in and help (I love phone banking)!!! 

Looks like Mike Sager is doing a great job!!!


It's really easy to sign up for the training. (Dianne - 9/22/2007 9:16:11 AM)
Sorry I forgot to mention that.

The links don't seem to work (Barbara - 9/23/2007 9:04:57 PM)