Bush Turns America Blue!

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/23/2005 1:00:00 AM

Courtesy of "Delaware Dem" at DailyKos, check out this cool map of President Bush's approval and disapproval in each state around the country.  According to Delaware Dem:

This map represents states where Bush has a net disapproval (which are blue), states where Bush is amazingly still approved of (which are red), and states where the approval and disapproval ratings are equal (which are purple).  Net disapproval is where the disapproval percentage exceeds the approval percentage.  And vice versa for net approval. 

Last month Bush was approved of in only 12 states.  38 states hate the man.  And that was before Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita, the ranked incompetence of his government in responding to both, high gas prices, continued debacle-ary in Iraq, the disaster that is the Harriet Miers nomination, the indictment of Tom DeLay, the explosive Plame-gate scandal that is about to result in indictments, continued GOP corruption and hyprocrisy throughout the land, and the investigation into insider trading committed by Republican Senate Leader Bill Frist. 

Bush is now down to seven states with a net approval.  The people in these states who still approve of Bush and the Rethuglican party are now beyond redemption and must be deported at once to Iraq, since they obviously love Iraq so much that they should go live there and help out. 

C'mon, Jerry, PLEASE bring George W. Bush to Virginia (41% approval, 56% disapproval rating) one more time.  Pretty please? 
