Del. Miller Just Can't Keep Up

By: Track Jackson
Published On: 9/18/2007 10:28:57 PM

cross-posted at Track Jackson.

Once again, challenger Jeanette Rishell beat Del. Jackson Miller of the 50th. This now makes the 4th reporting period in a row that Jackson couldn't keep up.  Jeanette raised $40,589, bringing her total to $128,583, while Jackson could only pull in $22,174 and $73,272.

Miller received quite a bit of his funds from other GOP politicians (Namely: Saxman, Tate, Ware, Iaquinto, Hogan, McDonnell and  O'Bannon). Apparently, Jackson is having such a tough time balancing his jobs as real estate agent and police officer to feed his family that actually doing the work that it takes to run for office has fallen to the wayside. So he's outsourced his fundraising to other Republicans. Thank god they are so willing to pick up the slack.

But when he does pick up the phone, who does he call?! Special Interests. Just a little over 10k of his money (thats about 40% for this period folks!) came from a string of PAC's. It seems that his time in Richmond wasn't a total loss ...
Unlike Jackson, those of us who want change in the 50th and across the Commonwealth and in the 50th can't rest on our laurels. Please continue to support Jeanette and encourage friends to get involved; the 50th is mandating change. We need Jeanette's leadership for Virginia and the greater Manassas area.

Total Numbers:

Total raised: $73,232.21
Raised this reporting period: $22174
Total Cash on Hand: 48,185.01

Total raised: $128583.75
Raised this reporting period: $40585.29 Total Cash on Hand: $55703.34 
