Democracy: GOP Labels It for Export Only

By: Sui Juris
Published On: 9/18/2007 4:55:49 PM

A few hours ago, the GOP successfully blocked a vote that would have given DC residents what every other US citizen already has - representation in Congress.  Every Democrat (save Byrd, who was absent) voted for it, as well as seven Republicans (Robert Bennett, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Richard Lugar, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter and Orrin Hatch).  Virginia readers will note that our Gosh-Darn-He's-Such-an-Honorable-and-Decent-Fellow John Warner is not on that list of supporters.

Just stop and think about this for a moment.  The GOP just said that some Americans don't deserve what the GOP is willing to spend thousands of American lives and billions of dollars for in Iraq.  Unfuckingbelievable.

(And don't think I've let you Democrats off the hook on this.  We're NOT waiting another two years for this bill to come back up.  If you can roll over in a heartbeat to legalize the Administration's illegal spying, you can get your asses in gear to do this again.  Soon.)

(Crossposted from


Wait until the President Vetoes SCHIP (The Grey Havens - 9/18/2007 6:16:14 PM)
Conservatism says "poor children should die".

Remember:  Conservatism is Aristocracy.

It all makes sense.