Why would a depraved murderer talk like a liberal progressive?

By: Dan
Published On: 9/8/2007 6:46:44 PM

A few days ago, sadistic heartless scumbag, Osama Bin Laden released a video tape.
In his usual soft-spoken manner, he discussed international political issues of the day in a rational tone.  He discussed the War in Iraq, the U.S. mortgage crisis, and even global warming.  You'd think he was trying out for a commentator job at MSNBC!  But of course, if you examine Bin Laden's message, he conveniently leaves out the fact that he perpetrated fundamentalist law on Afghanistan, leading to the murder and enslavement of Muslim women and that he inspires his followers to kill innocent people.  Of course, like any fundamentalist hypocrite cult leader with superior intellect over his followers, Bin Laden is purposely framing his message in a way so he sounds reasonable, and uses that message as an excuse that terrorism is really just self-defense against the evil power against the Muslim world. 

So first let's examine some of his hypocrisy, and I will address Bin Laden directly in my response:
Bin Laden says that U.S. leaders have failed to stop the War in Iraq despite public opposition, low approval ratings, and a change in Congressional leadership.
A major reason our leaders have low approval ratings is because of their mishandling this war, and the fact that they took the focus off of fundamentalist murderers like you, who have made the situation in Iraq so much worse than it would have been.

Bin Laden says that events in Iraq have gotten "out of control"
Your followers continue to foment violence in Iraq by setting off bombs and destroying Mosques (which are Muslim holy places for Gods sakes), killing innocent Muslims, including Muslim children in the process.  Your followers have disrupted the oil supply that further causes poverty and the destruction of Iraqi infrastructure.  Your followers say they support the Iraqi insurgency, yet they kill insurgents who won't lock up their women and conform to the rest of your radical beliefs.

Bin Laden "invites [Americans] to embrace Islam" and criticized capitalism.  He says that "as you liberated yourselves before from the slavery of monks, kings and feudalism, you should liberate yourselves from the deception, shackles and attrition of the capitalist system".
So, you want us to embrace your type of Islam, where you DO act like a king, you DO deceive others, and you ENSLAVE women.  Your form of government is designed to control the allocation of money, to oppress minority groups, destroy secularism and free thought, and order people to murder non-believers.  You want us to have a government based on hate, murder, and intolerance?  Man, you make Dick Cheney sound like Ghandi! 

Bin Laden praises author Noam Chomsky for his criticism of U.S. foreign policy.
Okay, Noam Chomsky has consistently promoted peace, and is Jewish.  If you had it your way, he'd be tortured and murdered for his beliefs, and you'd imprison or kill anyone who read his books. 

Bin Laden mentions U.S. inaction on global warming
Unless it is getting too darn hot in your cave, I would assume that you don't give a crap about global warming.  You believe in martyrdom, and you grew rich, and still grow rich off of oil money to fund your murderous followers.

Now, as I rant and rave, I do realize that Bin Laden knows his hypocrisy is just a big sham.  While it may play in the Middle East, he knows that sounding like a liberal progressive will not appeal to anybody in the U.S. who is a liberal progressive.  What he seems to want to do is to SOUND like a liberal progressive, or a Democrat, so that people will associate sound logical thinking with global terrorism.  He hopes that if the media takes the bait, then the U.S. will continue its policies in the Middle East.  You see, Bin Laden WANTS the U.S. to stay in Iraq.  He WANTS the U.S. to attack Iran.  He WANTS Americans to keep using tons of oil.  He LOVES the Bush foreign policy.  He WANTS Bush to be President forever (?or maybe Rudy Giuliani).  His dream would be for Fox News to catch the bait and say "see, Al Qaeda sounds like the Democrats, and the Democrats sound like Al Qaeda, therefore Bush is right, and Democrats support terrorists." 

I always felt like Al Qaeda was smart about playing the political/propaganda game.  Since Bush's foreign policies have been recruiting tools for Al Qaeda, it is no wonder that they have expanded their message from the Middle East to Middle America.  I figured out these tactics way back during the anthrax scare of 2001.  You see, some moronic waste of human life at my university sent fake anthrax to his ex-girlfriend as a prank, causing a shut-down of our student center for a week while they tested the materials.  It was then I realized that Bin Laden and people like him are smart enough to know that if you initiate the scare tactic, Americans will do a good job of terrorizing themselves.  But now it is 2007.  Will we still bite and buy in to this bullcrap?  Sure it seems like we take him less seriously now than ever before, however, we still must be mindful and vigilant against his propaganda at home if we ever hope to stop it in the rest of the world.



Bin Laden WANTS the U.S. to stay in Iraq - 1996 (norman swingvoter - 9/9/2007 1:21:14 PM)
In a 1996 interview bin laden stated that he wanted the US to invade a country in the middle east so he could fight us on his own terms.  He has stated in other interviews that his dream was for us to get in a quagmire where he could inflict heavy casualities on us and bankrupt our country.  bush has played right into his hands, remember the war was only to have cost a couple hundred million and taken 6-8 weeks.  I am NOT a fan but this man isn't a fool and shouldn't be underestimated.  I have wondered why these videos come up at critical times in the US and why he says things that inflame bush supporters and give them a reason to fight on.
