Democrats Up 18 Points for Congress

By: Lowell
Published On: 9/6/2007 7:45:53 PM

According to Rasmussen, "Democrats have opened an eighteen point lead in the Generic Congressional ballot" -- 50% for Democrats to 32% for Republicans.  That's stunning, and indicative of a landslide next November if these numbers stay even close to what they are at the present time.  Wow.


Perhaps closer (Rebecca - 9/6/2007 8:29:46 PM)
Perhaps an 8 point lead after the votes are "counted".

Please spare us the conspiracy theories (Lowell - 9/6/2007 8:41:45 PM)

I've done the research (Rebecca - 9/6/2007 9:40:28 PM)
A conspiracy is a group of people who work together (probably in secret) for a common purpose. If you believe the Justice Department has been used for political purposes then you are a conspiracy theorist. If you believe we were lied into the Iraq war then you are a conspiracy theorist. Thinking people can see the possibility of conspiracies.

Did you attend the House hearing on this topic where many experts testified? I attended the hearing. Do you think the Democrats who called this hearing are conspiracy theorists? Read the research of Dr. Avi Rubin, an election offical in Maryland and a Ph. D. who did a study of our current voting system. His bio follows the URL to his website.

Check his website here. It documents his in-depth study of the integrity of our election system.

Dr. Aviel D. Rubin is Professor of Computer Science and Technical Director of the Information Security Institute at Johns Hopkins University. Prior to joining Johns Hopkins, Rubin was a research scientist at AT&T Labs. He is also a co-founder of Independent Security Evaluators (, a security consulting firm.  Rubin is author of several books including Brave New Ballot(Random House, 2006) Firewalls and Internet Security, second edition (with Bill Cheswick and Steve Bellovin, Addison Wesley, 2003), White-Hat Security Arsenal (Addison Wesley, 2001), and Web Security Sourcebook (with Dan Geer and Marcus Ranum, John Wiley & Sons, 1997). He is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Associate  Editor of ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Associate Editor of IEEE Security & Privacy, and an Advisory Board member of Springer's Information Security and Cryptography Book Series. Rubin serves on the DARPA Information Science and Technology Study Group. In January, 2004 Baltimore Magazine name Rubin a Baltimorean of the Year for his work in safeguarding the integrity of our election process, and he is also the recipient of the 2004 Electronic Frontiers Foundation Pioneer Award. Rubin has a B.S, ('89), M.S.E ('91), and Ph.D. ('94) from the University of Michigan.

A review of Avi Rubin's book "Brave New Ballot" (Rebecca - 9/6/2007 9:55:30 PM)
Check here for a review of Avi Rugin's book, "Brave New Ballot". This link is to an article from that notorious conspiracy rag, "Computer World".


From "Computer World" (Rebecca - 9/6/2007 9:59:45 PM)
Quote from Comptuer World's review of Rubin's book:

"You're apt to like Rubin after reading Brave New Ballot, and you'll trust both his tech acumen and his brave, grave conviction that e-voting security matters more than almost any issue currently affecting the democratic process."

While Rush and Sean like to point to the low congressional approval ratings... (dsvabeachdems - 9/6/2007 9:11:19 PM)
they avoid acknowledging that the dissatisfaction is less with the new Democratic majority. Rather, it is that the new Democratic majority's agenda has been successfully blocked by a combination of ineffective leadership and Republican obstruction.

But remember, in the end, all politics is local. People generally embrace their own congressional representatives; except, increasingly, in the US House District where I live.

Well (leftofcenter - 9/6/2007 10:13:50 PM)
if the dems keep caving in to Bush on the war, handing him another 200 billion, they can pretty much forget about 2008. This is ridiculous that they continue to hand Mr. 25% and a rethug minority the keys to the bank-OUR money. For the dems to keep saying, blah, blah blah that we don't have the 60 votes necessary to overcome a veto is stupid. Just don't put up a bill. Let Bush take the fall for not funding the troops. Quit cowering in the corner saying if they don't keep funding this war the rethugs will say mean things about them. Where are Clinton and Obama? Walking the "centrist" line? At least Dodd and Edwards have stood up and said we need to get out. And then there's the FISA issue............