Exhibit B comes from the August 16 edition of the Fairfax Connection. The first hilarious part of that story is that one of Cuccinelli's interns isn't even "sure yet whether he sees eye-to-eye with Cuccinelli politically." Maybe that's because, as the article accurately characterizes him, Cooch is "considered one of the most right-wing members of the State Senate." Apparently, the intern isn't sure "how far right" he is (hint: it will be hard to be as far right as Ken Cuccinelli; don't even try!).
After that, the article gets even weirder, with Cuccinelli joking about "why he does not knock on his [pro-gun, pro-life] supporters' doors as it starts to get dark in the evening." According to Cooch, "When you are dealing with people who feel strongly about the Second Amendment, it is best not to mess with their security." Did Ken Cuccinelli seriously just imply that his pro-gun supporters are a bit, er, trigger happy? Oh that's right, he was just "joking." Hahahahaha.
Exhibit C is today's Washington Post on a right-wing revolt against Cuccinelli. The article's title, "Cuccinelli Struggles to Appease Conservative Base in Fairfax: His Transportation Vote Prompts Dissent From the Right," kind of says it all. Apparently, Cooch is getting "dissent from the right" for his vote in favor of "regional taxes, as well as controversial new fees for driving offenses." According to the Post article, "Republicans, Democrats and Cuccinelli agree that if those voters don't turn out for him Nov. 6, he's in trouble." Well, it looks like Cooch is in trouble.
Maybe it's time for Cooch to consult with his pet, toy elephant Ron again?
? The current Virginia law allowing localities to fingerprint applicants for concealed weapon carry permits
? The current Virginia law banning patrons from bringing concealed weapons into restaurants and bars
? The current Virginia law limiting individuals to one handgun purchase per month
? Any Virginia bill that would require trigger locks on firearms
? Any Virginia bill that would restrict gun shows-for example, by requiring background checks on all sales
Talk about far out!