Next Time Bush Says "We Can't Afford It"

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/29/2007 8:20:28 AM

Next time George W. Bush or the Republicans say we "can't afford" something, from bridge repair to health care to education, just keep this headline (from today's Washington Post) in mind.  An extra $50 billion for Iraq?  No problem.  Money to keep America strong at home?  No go.  Priorities, priorities, eh?


NO MORE MONEY FOR IRAQ. (lgb30856 - 8/29/2007 10:57:43 AM)

Oh my God, Bush wants more.... (bladerunner - 8/29/2007 7:55:13 PM)
Bush is so full of shit. He wants to carry this war on till his presidency is over and pass it on to the next president and then point the finger. The Washington Post reported that we're having tactical victories. They had tactical victories Vietnam too--like taking Hill 212 for a day or so then leave. The VC was there the next day. Americans have got to realize that our president is going to push this war no matter what. He ain't going to stop--He's mentally insane, and he's our leader.

Who will pay for this? (VA Breeze - 8/29/2007 10:29:15 PM)
This is really beginning to make me sick-all the health care proposals- such as food inspection- cut so to extend this "Mission Accomplished" war. Another spinach recall today. So is the new slogan-we will fight them over there even if you get sick here?