Now that the court record of Craig's conviction of naughty-naughty in a public rest room--lewd behavior that led to a $500 fine and a waived jail term--I'd like to see this creep again talk about defending the public from the evils of immorality. He was outed, denied it, and now the truth.
Ths is the very-public anti-gay guy who is against any fairness doctrine in law for gay men and women, yet commits crimes he says will ruin the public.
I couldn't care less if he were gay, but I'd like to see the full details of his arrest record so that his utter hypocricy is FULLY exposed, and he can join the ranks of other hypocrites who committed the acts they claimed were the Democratic Party's modus operandi-- accusers like Barr, Livingstone, Gingrich, Henry Hyde, Burton, and their comrades in smut.
Dear heaven, this is nauseating.
But it's catharsis for me, especially when I recall that just a short while ago, in the pre-macaca days, if I said the above I'd be accused of not supporting our troops (even though I was once a "troops" in wartime, and they weren't), I'd be told I was a socialist soft on defense, and that if the Taliban took as hostages people I knew, I'd probably and illegally sell the Taliban arms to get my people back.
That's why I can't resist saying the same old same old when they transgress and defy God's ordinances.
They have no moral core, which is frightening when you consider that they have such serious and real influence over our lives.
A person with a moral core, a core that cannot be undone, would be open about his sexuality. Instead this slime of a Senator, is in continual denial about his sexuality and tries to punish every other homosexual because he has no real moral core and he is so incredibly hypocritical. Get out of the Senate. And for heavens sake get help! Good ridance.
And I wouldn't trust him with children.