Harry Reid's statement on Iraq nails it

By: beachmom
Published On: 8/23/2007 3:00:54 PM

In reaction to the new bleak NIE report on Iraq, Senator Harry Reid minces no words:

"Today's National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq confirms what most Americans already know:  Our troops are mired in an Iraqi civil war and the President's escalation strategy has failed to produce the political results he promised to our troops and the American people.

Our troops have done everything asked of them and more.  Unfortunately Iraq's leaders have not.  And as today's NIE makes clear, a political solution is extremely unlikely in the near term.  Further pursuit of the Administration's flawed escalation strategy is not in our nation's best interests.

Every day that we continue to stick to the President's flawed strategy is a day that America is not as secure as it could be.  As the intelligence community reported in another NIE just weeks ago, America's attention is distracted from Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, which has regenerated its capacity to its pre-9/11 levels.  That is why it is so essential that this September, Republicans join with Democrats to change course in Iraq and work to restore our nation's security."


Right on Harry (Gordie - 8/23/2007 10:46:59 PM)
and in the mean time tell Sen. Levin to keep his moth shut. He was completely out of line to call for alMaikia dismissal. All he has done is give Bush more talking points of how the Democrats are wrong.