So here's the picture -- the Virginia Republican Party, reeling from three high profile losses in a row (Mark Warner, Tim Kaine, and Jim Webb), are losing their elder statesman in John Warner. In his vacuum, the party will face a withering primary pitting their crazy wing versus their slightly less crazy wing, pitting the booming, growing half of the state (Allen) versus the stagnating "southern" part of it (Gilmore), and potentially featuring the return of the state's most famous racist.Mark Warner, who left office with 80 percent approval ratings, would have a clear primary field and a battle-tested, well-oiled, and increasingly effective state party apparatus and allied grassroots and netroots army laying the foundation for another big Democratic pickup.
All I have to add is this: PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE run Jim Gilmore. PLEASE!!! :)
P.S. This is utterly hilarious. Jim Gilmore is totally delusional:
I certainly do not seek a race against Gov. Warner, but I would run one if it was in the best interests of the state. And I would be pleased to match my record as governor against his any time. But it really is not a matter of a horse race between Mark Warner and Jim Gilmore. I think the right thing to do is to address what's right for the state and what's right for the nation. I think it would be a very spirited race.
Yeah, right, you match your record against Mark Warner's, that will work. Ha.
Then you can bludgeon it with a hammer.
I don't see a Dem winning in a presidential year. Not even Warner.
Disagreement 1: George Allen isn't running for senate in '08, he's said so (he wants to be governor apparently).
Disagreement 2: Since when does Allen represent NoVA and Gilmore represent SoVA? Gilmore is an attorney in Arlington, at least Allen *pretends* to be from somewhere rural (L.A.?)
Disagreement 3: I wouldn't call the South 'stagnating'. It's no NoVA, but show some respect, please.
Disagreement 4: Markos left out all the other Republicans who want to have higher office - most importantly Tom Davis - who comically is the strongest VA republican right now for Senate. I say comically because to see Davis try to relate to anyone south of the Rappohanock (which Warner did smoothly in '01) would probably be funnier than Arrested Development.